Mahendra Bapna

Mahendra Bapna Former CEO

Former CEO of Tata Motors Enterprises and an Advanced Leadership Fellow-2012 at Harvard University

"Former CEO of Tata Motors Enterprises and an Advanced Leadership Fellow-2012 at Harvard University, Mr. Mahendra Bapna is a passionate engineer. He has built world-class manufacturing factories producing trucks, tractors and drivelines. Until recently, he was also technical adviser for Tata Motors defense business.

Currently, he is adviser to a Tata enterprise for their Education Business where he is involved in setting up a construction management program for engineers. He has also helped establish an ‘innovation and entrepreneurship center’ at a premium technical institute in India and was an honorary advisor for the National Systems Conference at IIT-Rajasthan.

Himself a transformational leader, Bapna is an advocate for exploration of disruptive technology  and use blended system of education to scale higher and vocational education. Recently, along with world’s leading academicians, Mr. Bapna has co-founded University-21, a premium consulting firm to serve higher educational institutes in India and the middle east."

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