Sudhir Wadhwa

Sudhir Wadhwa Chief Technology Officer

Chief Technology Officer, Viridis Learning Inc.'

Sudhir Wadhwa has held senior leadership positions in leading technology companies including Altera (acquired by INTEL), Allied Telesis and several startups including Canesta (acquired by Microsoft), StarCite, Leap Motion, Pluribus Networks and FixStream Networks. He has experience in Education, Semiconductor, Gesture technology, SDN Networking, Artificial Intelligence & Finance domains.

Sudhir Wadhwa is CTO of Viridis Learning. He is responsible for building Viridis SaaS platform with global teams in Palo Alto, Argentina and India.

Sudhir Wadhwa has B.Sc. Mathematics (Honors) and Masters in Mathematics from Delhi University, India. He is expert of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Sudhir is also Faculty member at Santa Clara University in California, USA. Sudhir is also Machine Learning & product Strategy advisor of several companies in US & China including Timeli, SanDisk, El Camino Hospital, and Xenovus. 

Sudhir is fond of Mathematics, Algorithms, DEEP Learning, and Neural Networks. His topic of research is “Recommendation Systems”. 

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